MonFT Software is used in conjunction with the FT 3000 linear drive rubber fatigue testing system equipped with digital CCD Camera Option. The MonFT Software allows full crack growth measurement in De-Mattia / bending testing mode as well as camera and position control.
Before a test can be started, the rubber samples need to be identified in the Software, the sample position needs to be teached by semi-automated camera positioning as well as the camera recording needs to be set. Therefore manual movement of the camera is possible.
By setting the image section the sample can be defined as well as the crack area can be defined in the live image. Also test images can be taken.
MonFT allows you to remotely control the FT 3000 Fatigue Tester.
During the test, the fatigue sequence is paused in adjustable cycles. Then the camera automatically moves to the pre-programmed sample positions to inspect the samples.
At each station, the rubber sample is measured, the picture is transformed as well as the image is automatically inspected for holes and cracks according to the camera setup prior made.
During the test sequence an online graph for all samples is shown providing full information about crack growth and number of cycles performed.